Tag Archives: involuntary commitment

Californians Against Prop. 1

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Sorry for posting this late; Special guest Rob Wipond.

Hosted by Paul Simmons-

Guests include:

Majeedah Wesley, LaTanya Rashard, Kelechi Ubozoh, & Emily Wu Truong, and others who speak their truths about conservatorship and forced treatment.


In answer to the question: Which groups are Pro Prop 1?
PSimmons wrote: “PRospojn Guards, NAMI, Contractors’ groups. . . . a few others Lots of money”

TBarton asked “can you recommend anywhere folks can learn more about the current formula to determine how much MHSA money counties get?”

LengP asks: “If Prop 1 funding will go to fund hospital beds, that seems to be for SMI and not a long term solution for housing which is desperately needed. What is the data around how much impact Prop 1 will make on overall unsheltered homelessness throughout the state?”

“Medical Racism is very real.” -LR.

Article From Sharon L- https://eastbayexpress.com/free-gainel-hamilton-locked-down-by-state-conservatorship/

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“Your Consent is not required” -book by Rob Wipond