Tag Archives: HVN

An Audience with an Ally (from AD4E)

A Disorder 4 Everyone presents
Dr Jacqui Dillon

Wednesday, 3 July 2024
18:00 GMT (10-11am PDT)

Dr. Jacqui Dillon is a dedicated activist, educator, writer, and speaker focusing on various aspects such as hearing voices, dissociation, trauma, and recovery. Serving as the Chair of the Hearing Voices Network in England and a prominent figure in the global Hearing Voices Movement, she draws from her personal journey surviving childhood abuse and navigating psychiatric services. Jacqui advocates passionately for trauma-informed approaches to addressing mental health challenges, urging a fundamental shift in how society perceives and responds to these experiences. In our conversation, Jacqui shares her own encounters with hearing voices, emphasizing the significance of community and support in the healing process, both for herself and countless others worldwide. For those unfamiliar with this phenomenon, Jacqui’s insights could be pivotal.

This event from AD4E “An Audience with an Ally” shares a casual and engaging environment where you can inquire about Jacqui’s extensive history of activism opposing the labels imposed by western psychiatry and the resulting harm it inadvertently inflicts.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024
18:00 GMT (10-11am PDT)

The podcast below provides a sample of Dr. Dillon’s thoughts on “Hearing Voices”.